My mother in law tole me my unborn child isn't a priority on the night my husband tried to kill himself


My husband tried to kill himself Friday night and my mother in law blamed it all on me. Even though after I untied his neck he cried to me about how awful they are to him and he just can't take it anymore. Between his parents, his job, our financial debt, and his mother demanding his tax return... my poor husband could not take it anymore.

So my MIL blamed me after I tried to explain to her why he did it. I was even nice about it and she made it all about her self and blamed me.

Let me go into more detail about why my baby isn't a priority.

So my mother in law told me my baby wasn't a priority.

So my mother in law and her sister are mad at me because I told my mother in law to get out of our business and stop being mean to my husband last year. So because of that when we posted our very first ultrasound sound picture announcing our baby not one member of his family commented or even like our big news. We didn't get a text a phone call nothing. (Wait their was a few. But about 4 in total) Even seen them in person 2 weeks before and his aunt scolded him about money and told him he had other things to worry about. That was the only acknowledgement of his child that he got from her. She couldn't even like a stupid picture on facebook but a week after the announcement of our baby she can tag him in a picture from 3 years earlier!!!! But his mother played a pity party and tried to use the death of her father as excuse to be so cold to her only son about his unborn child. Anyone who will use something like that to try to get out of being a BAD person makes you a HORRIBLE person. What really pissed me off is our last pregnancy we lost and it wasn't just any miscarriage. I almost died from massive internal bleeding and lost an ovary and a fallopian tube the year before!! Thats how bad it was!! But this baby isn't a that important compared to their egos. Even though I was high risk for about 2 months and didn't even know if I could carry this baby.

My mother in law wasn't even happy for us when she found out. Her response "congratulations I guess" and when my husband asked her what she ment she then said " well was it planned or was it an accident " then later tells me she didn't know if she was supposed to be happy or not because our baby wasn't planned! Just to be clear after trying for a year naturally knowing we probably would get pregnant with out medical help we gave up and was going to adopt. A month after giving up I found out I was pregnant with our MIRACLE BABY! This is the only child we will ever have because I am one of those people that pregnancy is very hard on me. It's not only hard to get pregnant but it's hard to stay pregnant. So if anyone ever tells me again that my child isn't a "priority" be ready for my fist in your stupid face.

So on top of everything else my husband and I are going through she adds more. I'm just done. He refuses to speak to them and is seriously thinking about cutting them off. All u know I can't handle this crap when I have him and a baby to worry about.

Edit: he is getting help everyone. He is going to councling and discussing family counseling with the people who are helping him. He had a break down and is eing helped.