New here and pregnant with our 5th baby due October 2016

Hi my names stacey im 28 my partner of 10 years is 29 and we have 4 beautiful little girls already aged 6 ,5,3 &1. Ive had 2 previous miscarriages . I also had a ruptured ectopic pregnancy in novemeber 2015 and had to have surgery to remove the pregnancy and my right tube along with masses of internal bleeding. This pregnancy was not planned and to be honest was a total shock to us considering i lost a tube we were told it would take months to get pregnant and then i would need to be monitored to rule out another ectopic pregnancy as once u have one u have a high chance of another. So my last period was the 6th of january i have 26 day cycles. I had an early scan on the 15th feb as they needed to check the pregnancy was in my uterus thankfully it is!!! However we only saw a gestational sac and a yolk sac i should have been 6 weeks the ultrasound lady did not look or look worried atall she said everything looked good but i did have to come back in a few weeks for another scan as the EPU cannot discharge me till they see a heartbeat/baby. Im worried as i was expecting to see a fetal pole and a heartbeat (dont ask why) and the fact i didnt has been playing on my mind. I do have symptoms ive never ever experianced before that have come on in the past 5 days severe severe nausea to the point im finding it hard to eat and drink , extreme tiredness where im having to have 2-3 naps a day (very hard when i have 2 little ones to look after and my partner works fulltime!) And the worst symptom!!! The sore boobs!!! I cant wear a tight tshirt do my coat up or even lay on my tummy to sleep!! Ive never ever had these symptoms with my 4 girls. We would like a boy but we are not fussed aslong as the baby is healthy infact im hoping its another girl!! I know this is all jumbled up but i just fort id put abit of everything in here explain about me really.. It would be nice to hear from others :-)