Mucus plug

So if you're a weak stomached pregnant lady, please don't read!
I went to the bathroom today and when I wiped there was a big yellow phlegmy gob on the toilet paper. I think it must have been my mucus plug. I've been reading up on it a lot since then and there are conflicting things out there about it. I'm going to call my ob/GYN tomorrow but just wondering if anyone's had experience with this, if that is what it turns out to be? I do think I've been having very mild Braxton hicks contractions for the past week (I'm 26 weeks exactly) and today I had a pretty steady, moderately severe cramps type pain that made it difficult to walk on the entire right side of my abdomen. Baby has been moving like crazy still, and once I sat down the pain stopped so I think maybe it was just a normal pregnancy discomfort. Nothing else abnormal though.