I just can't get over it

Yes I post a lot about my ex/baby daddy but want your opinions about this. My ex and I broke up for a little while about 1.5 years ago bc something was just never right with him. Like shit never added up. Well I started dating someone else. Well me and my ex got back together and I had to prove myself to him. It took months. And the shit is still thrown up in my face to this day. Anyways I had our daughter 7 weeks ago and he has been awful, the last 3 month of my pregnancy was awful, he ignored me, slept with other women blah blah, well I was over it until he started saying he wanted to work it out, come to my house, stay with me and the baby, cuddle me then would be at another girls house 2 days later, I would call, he would ignore my call, lie to me but I found out. I found out she's 23 and, he's 43! I just can't get over it. Like when I think about it, I'm disgusted, he said she has feelings for him, but he don't have any for her. I try not to ask questions but like tonight he made a comment that 19 year olds hit on him. He said he wants to make it work but he doesn't act like it, he'll go hours and not speak to me, tells me I need to get over what happen! I need advice on how to move past this. And get these ugly thoughts out of my head. Oh and let
Me add, she wasn't no booty call, he went and stayed all night with this girl. No wonder she has feelings