Advice wanted...

So, my ex begged me for a baby. He put a ring on my finger at Christmas and was talking marriage. So, I said ok. I didn't really expect it to happen right away. Well I found out January 21st I was pregnant. While, making dinner that evening, granted all day we cuddled, talked and was discussing names and plans, he told me his ex fiancé contacted him on Facebook. I instantly knew what was going to happen. They started messaging, despite me being uncomfortable with it. Well he left his phone and went to the bathroom. It beeped and I seen it said, "I forgot what that looked like". So it aroused my curiosity. Well I opened the message to read the rest of the conversation {yes, I know it's bad to go threw someone's phone, but I'm glad I did}. I found a picture of himself, in the nude, that he sent her. Needless to say, I was MAD! We started fighting and I told him it was me and the baby or her... he said so you snooped threw my phone and your mad at me... I said are you kidding me, do you not see what you did wrong. He said what's the big deal, she has seen it before. So I slammed the couch closed and went to bed. He came in and started apologizing and I said whatever. Well the arguing continued the next day. And later that evening I started cramping and got scared. So I decided I was going to the e.r. He told me he didn't feel like going because he shoveled snow all day. I said no one asked you to go, I said I would take myself. So he got up and put his shoes on and was waiting at the door for me... so we went and found out everything was fine. Dr said it was implantation cramps. He looked at me said I told you this was a waste of time and pointless. I said I'm sorry you didn't want to be here. He said no I didnt. Well the Dr ordered an ultrasound the next day (ultrasound dept. Was closed). Well he refused to take me the next day or left me go because he said it was a waste of time and they probably wouldn't see anything. So we began fighting and he said he wasn't happy. I said no you haven't been since your ex messaged you. He said whatever I'm done. 9pm that night he told me to leave. Now he is moving in with this woman and doesn't want anything to do with the baby. I've tried to get him to sign away his rights. Sign parenting plans. But he wont... he is made because I put in the parenting plan (which a lawyer helped me with the wording) "Either parent can't have someone of the opposite sex that they are Romantically involved with, present while the baby is present." Well, he said I was trying to control his life. Which isn't true. I don't want my child thinking it has more than one dad or more than one mom. Well now that he has said he doesn't want anything to do with the baby, which is what I wanted, it still hurts.... anyone know how to deal with all of this and move past it.