Stepmother!! I HATE it!!

I love my husband and his children are when he's around. But when we are alone or they just came back from visiting thgreateir mother (my husband has custody of two out of three of his girls) all of sudden here comes the disrespect and silent treatment. My husband comes around and its all smiles. I'm NOT the "evil stepmother". I support them, buy what they need, listen to them when they need to talk, encourage them, and instill spiritual values alone with worldy values. How to be young ladies and helping out with school. I don't get a thank you or a hug especially after bio mom has got a hold of them. I really hate being a stepmom. Does this happen to bio parents too? Or is it just the stepparents? I always feel like the outsider. My husband never understands. BTW, I don't have children of my own. I have lupus so its taking a little while and guess who knows that information, that's right, bio mom. Every chance she gets, she throws it in my face through my husband. "That's why she can't have your kids" is what she says to him and calls me all kinds of names in front of the girls and tell them that I broke up their family. Im not the other women!!! I will never help a man cheat!! I'm sorry, just ranting. I Dont get to rant often.😊. Thanks for reading! Any advice will help. Even the advice that will help. Im too old to be sensitive to comments on social media