Mean drunk

My fiancé is a horribly mean drunk. I love him to death, but if he drinks too much he becomes boarder line verbally abusive... I spent the morning at the urgent care for chest pain, only to find out that I have costochondritis (inflamed rib cartilage). I was sent home with pain pills and strict instructions to not move from bed, due to my inability to take full breaths. My fiancé was out with a friend who is going through a break up. This friend is notorious for being a pain in the ass and crossing major boundaries, as far as keeping my SO out until 2 am on a work night, or crashing on the couch without permission, etc... So it gets to be 10 at night, and I haven't eaten all day because I could not drive (took pain pill) and my SO said he would bring something home HOURS AGO. I call, no one picks up. I start to worry, and after 6 calls he finally picks up. I answered the phone with "where are you!? You said you would be here 4 hours ago and I was worried!" My SO started screaming at me. Just berating me like I'm the one who did something wrong. It was obvious he was drunk. So I just sit there and listen to his shit, and I finally get fed up when he says "I don't need this from you, I had a hard day." Really? I've been sitting at home alone, all but struggling to breathe and move my damn arms , and YOU had a hard day? You bar hopped with a buddy all day. Anyway, he is just carrying on with all the screaming, so much so that someone called the friggin cops because they thought there was a physical fight going on. When he finally came home he started crying and apologizing. I love him more than life itself, and sober he is so amazing and supportive. But drunk, he turns into his father and that really scares me.