MIL drama

I used to be so close to my MIL. We went on girls nights, went shopping, had inside jokes, the whole 9 yards. Even when my SO was away in the military, she and I would literally just spend days on end with each other... About 2 years ago, she and my SO's dad split up. All of a sudden she stopped talking to me, stopped inviting me anywhere, ignoring my invites, and even straight up asked me to return a beautiful Mother's Day gift I bought for her. It was so strange. At first I thought "oh, she's going through a hard time right now. Things will get back to normal." Nope. She moved across the country, met a guy, moved in with him, and is now OBSESSED with his children and their SO's. It hurts my feelings. She's always on FB tagging my SO in these "I love my children" pictures, which is totally normal. But she has not only added her new BF's children to the posts, but their SO's as well. It's like I don't even exist. She even refers to me as "the other one". How rude is that!? (For context, she called my SO on New Years and said "how have you been sweetie? Good.. What about the other one".) I just don't know if I am overreacting or what!!! I miss her so much and she insists to my SO that she doesn't hate me, but seriously!? It feels like she is just patiently waiting for the day I'm out of the picture... I am so scared that when we have children, she is going to continue this behavior and either a) totally ignore her grandchild because it would be my kid too and God forbid she like anything that has to do with me. Or b) she will create a poisonous environment whenever she is around and my children will grow up and ask "mom why doesn't grandma like you?" Am I crazy or is there something seriously wrong here!?!?!?