Appointment with obsetrition


So i had an appointment with an obsetrition today at the hospital im booked in...and was told that since ive had 2 past c-sections that im not allowing me to try for a natural as the risk of a rupture is alot higher, so their going to book me in for another c-section...i would have liked to try for a natural this time round but unfortunately its out of my hands as i want her to come out safely, and my midwife told me a few weeks ago that it will be unnlikely that id have a just confermed it...still a little bit dissapointed
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Posted at
Thays true, all i care abput is my baby healthy...ive had my midwife and ob telling me that its just not safe to do so


Posted at
Awe, that's sad, but it's true. My aunt had 4 c sections. Never a natural and she feels the same. At least you'll be healthy and the baby will as well. That's all you can really hope for. Xoxo