Mother in law.

Anyone else fed up with their monster in law?? She driving me crazy.  My daughter is almost 10 months old and it's been like this since she was a newborn. For example, last night I decided to get in some gym time so I dropped off my daughter and explained to her that she couldn't nap for more than half hour because she is on a Schedule. I come back and she's been asleep for over and hour when I seen that I quickly tried to wake her only for my mother in law to rudely hold onto my daughter tighter. ( she was holding her while she was asleep). This infuriated me.  If she sees me feeding my daughter something she doesn't approve of, she'll literally take my baby right out of my hands and say, "no don't give her that." Yet, she feeds her whatever she wants in front of me and I don't say anything out of respect. I don't even know what to do anymore. I don't want to come off as rude but my baby is mine. I make the decisions.