Fed up with SO

I am 28 weeks pregnant and have been working since before I found out. I plan on working until my job makes me go on maternity leave at 37 weeks.

Anyways, my SO has left job after job after job. Even the temp agency won't work with him anymore because he's unreliable. We have a toddler and I take care of my mother on the side. I'm just so incredibly fed up and irritated. I am in pain all the time due to this pregnancy. I work with kids that I chase after all day and clean up after. Then I have to come home and pick up after my SO too! He won't even do one load of laundry or clean. I'm worried I won't be able to pay the bills needed because my income isn't very much. He just doesn't seem to care. He's on his phone playing stupid "pot farm" games and fishing games.