
So I was with a guy Chad for about two years, we were together everyday, it was something that just happened. we fought a lot but he was my best friend am I love him like crazy. We were on and off always and the last time we broke up was August 11 just before my birthday, he had accused me of cheated (which I had never done. Multiple occasions I had seen him texting other girls but never really did anything about it cuz I believed him when he said it wasn't him texting them, his family is ridiculously close <not a bad thing>). I started talking to this guy who worked with him and his family (he was also an old family friend but hadn't seen them in like 10 years) Dan (he was also 10 years older than me). He took me on a couple dates and we started dating. Chad's whole family was pissed off about that, his step dad commented on my Facebook status about me being happy, his mom texted me and his older brother (who was Dan's friend from high school) made a bunch of threatening Facebook statuses. But I ignored them and told them whatever. Dan and I broke up January 21because he was cheating on me with his ex and I found out about it. I also found out he was doing drugs (like Coke). So then February 1 Chad texted me and we started hanging out again. He kept telling me he loves me, keeps calling me babe/baby, and we've slept together a couple times. I told him not to tell all of his family because I was just a little hesitant about it. On Saturday he slept over and Sunday night when I was taking him home he called his brother (not the one friends with Dan) and was like "he is it alright if she (me) hangs out for a bit?" And he was like "yea I don't care about the whole situation" and Chad talked over him which was kinda shady to me. Then Monday he didn't text me, I texted him and he was going bowling, I kind ofwent off on him cuz I was pissed about him telling everyone and then I didn't hear from him at all, I texted Tuesday he didn't respond, snap chatted him and he opened everything (within like 10 min but didn't say at anything. Then today I text him asking if we can do something and he starts calling me a whore and telling me to go sleep with someone else's best friend, then he called me a Coke whore and told me to go do lines off a guy's D, and that he caught something from my "scuzzy vagina" (I got tested after I broke up with Dan and before we started doing anything) and said I was a slow bitch. He told me to stop texting him before he gets pissed off which is totally unfair because he would do this all the time when we were dating and then we'd break up and he'd block my number, then once I'm moving on with my life he'd text me from some other number. It's just not fair.
I'm just so pissed off right now and I can't talk to my best friend cuz she hates him and I never even told her I was talking to him again and i just am so pissed I don't even know.Â