Late posting... rough start but our sweet princess is perfect!!

Cassie • Married 8/7/10 Our sweet baby girl born 1/26/16

I went to see my dr on Mon. Jan 25th at 3pm... had an extra appt bc my bp had been elevated at my appt the previous friday. I was only dialated 1cm and 50%effaced before but still high BP so even though I was only 38 weeks, 5 days dr wanted to induce. Got my 1st dose or cervidil at 5pm, 2nd dose at 9pm... had some cramping but nothing terrible, then at 2am my water broke (this doesn't always happen) once this happened contractions started almost immediately. I guess one side effect of cervidil that I didn't know til I was having contractions is it can cause them to be only 1 min apart... so that wasn't fun ha. I didn't ever have to get pitocin though as I began dilating... by 3pm the next day I was 10cm. I pushed for 2 hrs but unfortunately baby girl was just too big for me and she hadn't even moved after 2 hours! My dr originally said she was perfectly fine so gave me 2 options.. 1. Take a break and then try pushing again (but if I chose this route I would need to push even harder...oh and it still may not work) 2. Go ahead with a c section. I didn't want a c section at all but I had literally given just about all I had in me already pushing and didn't think I had it in me so decided unfortunately to have a c section. Well as my hubby was signing the papers her HR started to drop into the 60s so I had to have an emergency c section. She wasn't breathing for the 1st 2 mins she was born and only got a 2 on her Apgar, was rushed to the NICU... fast forward 6 days later (best and worst 6 days of our lives) and we got to take our sweet healthy baby girl home with us :)

Brielle Faith



8lbs 10oz

20 3/4 inches long

Pictures are from her newborn session at 9 days old on her actual due date 2/4/16.