40+ hours not exactly as planned

I had an easy but long early labor starting Sunday but contractions were 2-3 min apart so we got things checked out around 9 pm. 4 cm  dilated and we went home to wait for them to progress. At 4 pm Monday we went to the obgyns office and I was told I was close to 6 cm. I told her I'd rather labor from home because I wasn't in a lot of pain. She warned me not to wait until the pain was really bad because it may be too late since I wasn't experiencing a lot of pain. At 7:30 at the hospital I was back to 5 cm dilated which was where I stayed until 6:30 am when my water broke. I went from minimal pain to vomitingbile during contractions around noon and got an epidural which sped up delivery significantly. After 20 minutes of pushing and some scary stuff where his shoulders got stuck and 3 nurses hopped on the bed to push on my pelvis trying to get him to fit while the doctor called for a special team Harrison made his entrance! We love him so much and I'd do it all over again this minute!!
Harrison grey born 2/23 at 2:21 pm.