I feel like a monster

My miscarriage experience if you will say, one of the most miserable times of my entire existence. It was just horrible from beginning to end. I never thought that I would actually experience what it felt like to have MC. I was about 10 weeks and a few days when I lost my baby. When I first discovered I was pregnant of course as any women would be I was excited and overjoyed. I enjoyed the cravings and knowing that there was little me inside my belly that I would soon give the world to. It was a little unexpected but that was OK because I was ready but I hadn't yet announced the pregnancy to no one but my bf and his mother they were happy. Then the worst began to happen at about 6 or 7 weeks I started to bleed. The bleeding last for a good week or so . I became concerned when the bleeding came with pains I thought it must've been because I was having sex. I didn't want to take any risk so I went to the hospital. Long story short my diagnosis was a threatened mc. They told me to stay off my feet and to avoid any sexual activity and so I did. Eventually the bleeding did let up for a about a week and a half and then all of a sudden I went to use the bathroom one day and I was bleeding like I'd had a period. I went to the hospital they took blood and urine came back and said everything looks normal your beta has actually risen to 14000 since my last dc appt. And they estimated that I was about 9 weeks I was excited but still cautious because I knew something just didn't feel right in my body. A week went by and the bleeding had returned yet again and this time I was at work and the pains were just horrible I was in tears because I was in pain but also because I knew deep down I was having a miscarriage. I went to the hospital only for them to clarify that it was a mc. For some strange reason I didn't cry anymore because I felt as if that last doctors visit I had mentally prepared myself. They saw the fetus but no heart beat my beta levels had dropped to 5000 which was too low to be 10 weeks. I went through the process to remove the mc. The same day I was treated was the same day my baby fell out (sorry TMI) I cried my eyes out I couldn't bare to him or her up so I made my Bf do it. I put it in a styrofoam cup . I stared at my baby who didn't get a chance at life their little hands and feet were just pronounce I didn't know what to do with it so my Bf flushed it. (Barbaric I know) I didn't know what to do with it. A few days after that I was depressed. But I feel guilty because I feel like I didn't properly mourn my child and the way I got rid of him or her wasn't how I wanted. I felt like I was nothing. Anybody comments on if what I did was wrong. What did you ladies do with miscarriage?