AF is two days late and...

I'm having LOTS of EWCM, which I never have at this point in my cycle and I'm never late either. 
Today I have had light brown and pink tinged EWCM on and off since early morning but it's more clear EWCM than colored. I tested yesterday and got a BFN but it wasn't FMU. 
Also usually I can jumpstart my AF by having sex the night before (I wake up to a heavy AF on cd1 every cycle) and the past two nights we have had pretty intense sex and the bitch still isn't here. 
I know CM isn't a good indicator of pregnancy since it's so variable, but I only get EWCM on O day and never before or after. Also I know 2 days late isn't a huge deal but I'm still freakin 2 whole days late. 
What do y'all think? How many days should I wait to test again if she still doesn't show? Have any of you had this issue?