Husband won't do housework - rant

Does anyone else's husband/boyfriend/SO not seem to know how to use the dishwasher? 
I work full time. I am a teacher so one weekend day a week I'm usually working. I do all grocery shopping. I pack both our lunches everyday.  I cook at least five time a week for dinner (if not more) so why is it that he can't seem to do the fucking dishes. Or fold the laundry (I do the laundry) or anything else that would help us not live in a pig-sty mess? I would like to live in a clean house but I also am sick of feeling like his personal maid. 
Did I mention that I have to wake him up for work 3-4 times a week? Because I wake up an hour or more before he does. 
And I'm 8 almost 9 months pregnant.