I said i wasn't trying again ! But i maybe back in the 2ww !Not getting my hopes up......

Shami • Rainbow baby
According to flow i ovulated on the 25th thursday and according to ovia i ovulated on tuesday! Well hubby and i baby danced tuesday although i got pretty tight when AF showed up a day early this month on the 9th . i figured why bother with <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a> I'm not trying anymore ! Well things happened tuesday morning like 1 or 2Am and now I'm feeling i might be back in the 2ww because of this ! Not getting my hopes up but I'll be shocked if AF doesn't show. Btw hubby has been taking zinc vitamins cause he's been a lil sick i read that zinc increases a male's sperm no telling what may happen. But I'll set myself up for the worst.