Going crazy!

Angela • Step mom to two awesome boys 17 and 13. Mother to London who is 18 months and we`re trying for one more!
Think I'm going nuts! I am like clock work, this month I started 2 days early which is very odd for me. I always start in the morning and it was at night. I had cramping but not terrible, and I have endometriosis so my cramps are terrible. It wasn't as heavy as normal. I usually go through a tampon every three hours and I went through a day without changing. Usually when I stop it trickles on, but it was abruptly over. Now I just feel weird. Glow changed my fertile day and supposed to ovulate tomorrow but I don't even have an LH surge on my ovulation strips. I've been sleeping in, nauseous a lot, headaches, tired, low back pain. So, is it possible to be pregnant even though I had my period this month? Took tests and I'll post those too. 
Any ideas, thoughts or anything welcome!! 💕