Goodbye letter to my narcissistic mother

This is my good bye letter. Everyone says I was fool for trying to help you.... Be there for you, I've suffered through the screaming and the nasty messages in social media and horrible voicemails. Thinking they would just eventually stop, but they didn't. While growing up I wasn't aware of the pain your narcissistic ways caused my sister and brother but as soon as I became an independent perdon something that I thought you would be proud of me for becoming I truly started to understand. I started to reflect on things that happened when I was younger that I never realized were wrong. You'd hurt me with your words then buy me something nice to forget about it. You need me to need you and unfortunately the pain that comes along with needing my mother is too unbearable. You were never there for the good times. I gave birth to my daughter and you wouldn't even come inside you just dropped me off at the door, I got married and you were too busy to attend because you had to work. None of these hurt me at the time but I guess I was way to busy being happy, something you couldn't stand to see. In your eyes I am in constant debt to you, all you talk about is how you raised me and fed me all the things you were suppose to do or so I thought. I'm sorry that I can't give you the world or better yet my world. But I have a family now & while it pains me that my daughter may never see her grandmother again or that my son will never meet you. It's for the best I can't allow you to play with their hearts the way you played with all of ours. My children and my husband can no longer see me in pain over you. You don't deserve another tear from me, because I have cried soooooo many trying to figure why you don't love me. Why you don't love any of us. And I just won't anymore. Emotional abuse is still abuse and as a 27 year old woman I don't deserve it from you or anyone else.