So this is really embarrassing, but I've been passing painful stools?

Kristina • Getting married on 6/20/16

So a little background:

When I was 14 I developed anorexia and would abuse laxatives for at least a year. I have been recovered now for about 3 years.

Now, I've been having a lot of pain whenever I pass stools and for the most part I'm constipated, but then I get really gassy and crampy and I feel like I took a lot of laxatives when I havent taken any. It feels really sharp, like I'm trying to get razors out of me. This has been happening along with a lot of other symptoms. Those symptoms are:

Weakness in knees

Muscle twitching in abdomen and hands





Mild cough

Sensitivity to smell

Dizziness (sometimes vertigo)

Feeling like I'm going to faint when I stand

And no, I am not pregnant. I'm gonna make a doctors appointment tomorrow, but I'm just curious as to what you all think. Some symptoms have been persistant for over 4 months and some are newer, only been happening for a week or two. What could this be?