Can i vent a little??

Nikki • Mommy to Both💗 my 5 angel babies👼 #3 on the way❤️
Okay, so i need to do a little venting....i am currently 37+2 weeks pregnant with our first baby. Me and the hubby are super excited and cant wait for our Anna Grace to be here. With that being said im really upset right now and have been for about 2 months.....My Brother and SIL have a son that will be 2 in June. Well after i found out that i was pregnant Last July, my SIL got jealous. (My SIL is one of those people that is an attention hog and expects EVERYONE to give her attention.) Well after i told all my family that i was expecting she got mad and hasnt really spoken to me much. Come to find out she had went the week after i told everyone the big news, she went and got her birth control implant taken out of her arm. Since she has gotten it taken out she has been forcing my brother to start ttc again, to which he tried to tell her no because they were having financial issues. Well she kept begging and he finally gave in. So she forced my brother to start ttc again. But that isnt even why im mad! She had the absolute nerve to take away the attention that was on us on the day of OUR BABY SHOWER!!!!!! She announced in front of everyone before we started opening gifts that her and my brother are 10 weeks pregnant with their second child and there went everyones attention, STRAIGHT TO HER!!! I got so pissed that i walked outside and started bawling!! So now i don't know what to do....i am beyond upset. Im happy for them (mainly just my brother though) dont get me wrong because i love them and they are family. But wouldnt you get mad too??? My grandmother and aunt both told me that they wished that my brother and SIL would have at least waited until Anna Grace was a year old before they started trying i wrong for being upset??? Sorry this was so long. I just had to get it out!