Looking for more than a cycle buddy

KK • https://addictedtohopeblog.wordpress.com
Hi. Looking to make 2-3 close connections / friends even/ with ladies in this group. Here is my story and looking to connect with people who are in a similar position! Support of people would be very helpful! 
Been ttc for nearly 2 years, before which we were NTNP for a year! We've been through all our tests (HSG, blood tests, sperm) and nothing medically is showing as wrong. Obgyn prescribed femara, had 5 rounds from Sept last year. Went to fertility specialist this cycle for a closely monitored ovulation. Had one follicle on rhs so had hcg trigger shot 10 days ago. Currently in tww. Going for blood test instead of hpt next Monday. Emotionally I am struggling with friends falling pregnant around me and having children already. Read more from my personal blog here 