Temp charting

After trying for over a a year and starting femara last month my doctor told me after taking femara cd5-cd9 to start opks cd10 I'm pretty sure I ovulated cd11-12 but I don't know if it was a false positive because of all the hormones. I tested everyday twice a day after that with all negatives. 
Someone suggested to me this charting thing, I just started using it it. I know it's half of a chart but does this look normal? My temps are still high, night time it's in the lower 100.6  even though your not suppose to temp at night only early morning 
I'm lost.... I've been having like heat attacks throughout the day and night, mood swings like no other, some sensitivity to smells more like craving smells. I've had like tingly sensations off and on in my breasts but they don't hurt. for the past two weeks I've had slight cramping off and on maybe twice a week 
Any advice?