Disappointing dad....or follow my heart?

K • ✨
I'm a college student, and recently I've realized that as of next year I lose all financial aid and will be stuck with a bill of 20k every year for the next three years. 
My mom doesn't have a whole lot of money, we lived paycheck to paycheck (parents are divorced) for a really long time. 
My dad however has enough money to comfortably write a check and pay all my tuition for the next three years, but won't. Because in my parents divorced he wasn't forced to. 
He still expects me to be in college, the same year as my peers my age, and finish with debt and have to go to my masters and aqquire more debt (my degree won't let me practice with just a bachelors) 
And I've sort of come to the choice that if I just work for the next three years until I'm 22 and then go back, I'll get aid because I can say I'm not dependent on my parents, making school around 1.5k a year instead of 20k. 
The only problem is my dad will be more than disappointed in me, and may disown me for not going with his stubborn ways, I just don't want to be 60k in debt at 22. 
Should I risk his disapproval for my happiness and financial security? 
Sorry for sounding a little whiny I just feel really stuck! 

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