Nausea sorted!! 👍🏼

I hope I don't speak too soon but I think I solved my problem with nipping nausea in the bud!! So here's what I do... 
As soon as I wake up I shove a ginger biscuit in my mouth whilst making a bowl of fruit and fibre cereal. I would usually have a coffee but I feel sick even thinking about coffee!
I eat my cereal and have my glass of water with my vitamin.
I then drink plenty of water while eating another couple of biscuits throughout the morning. I have lunch which fills me up and I still continue to keep eating! Wether I'm snacking on fruit or a cake I'm eating and that's all that matters right now! My nausea is coming in waves throughout the day so continual eating is helping me!
I hope this helps at least one person suffering with bad morning sickness! Bring on the 2nd trimester! Xxx