Rude in laws

So me and my boyfriend have been together two years and found out that we are expecting. When we told his parents they were nothing but mad! My boyfriend and I both have full time jobs and work hard. His parents think that I am with him only for his money. But I am 21 own my own home and my car. He lives with me and I pay bills also. My money is his money. We had a conversation with them about how they are treating me. They proceeded to call me a bitch and cuss at me. Continued to question my spending habits and also compared me to my boyfriends older sister who they think can do no wrong. Not to mention his mother got right in my face while I was sitting on the couch and call me a money chasing bitch. I told my man I was done with that family and they are to have no relations with my daughter, me and our new little peanut. Do you think I am wrong for that?