trans women

haylie • ✨✨✨
i think if we're gonna be a community of women helping women, we can't be limited to only helping the women with vaginas. trans women have questions and concerns about their bodies too, more than we could ever imagine. even if we don't have every answer, we need to be supportive and welcoming. people say this app is period tracking and body knowlege and trans women don't have periods, but they're still women nonetheless. this app isn't just for tracking your period, if it were, the options to have open discussions about literally anything wouldn't be available. i'm sure many trans women don't download this app because it appears to just be a <a href="">period tracker</a>, but I've seen scenerios where trans women have made posts just asking simple questions because they're going through changes and need some advice. all they hear back are "go away you dont even have a vagina" or even worse, that they arent real women. i just wanted it to be put out there that if a trans woman makes a post, puts herself out there for all of us to see for the sake of advice or support, we can't shun her away because of the anatomy she was born with. we are all women and we all suffer and we all need help sometimes.