My boyfriend is inexperienced to the max...

trin .
So me and my boyfriend have been together a while and we began getting sexual. We aren't fucking yet just simple things like touching and feeling. I jacked him off over the weekend and it occurred to me... I'm always initiating everything and it's usually me doing the touching and feeling, guiding his hands n shit. I asked him how come he never fingers me or anything and he told me that he is a virgin in EVERY way. He never fingered, ate out, or made out, with a girl, ANYTHING. At first it was freaked me out but i think it's kinda cute tbh. But he hates it. I told him that id show him how/guide him thru it but he says he wants to figure it out in his own (with me of course) but i don't want to just wait until he feels its right because im ready RIGHT NOW lol ya feel me? How i can get it him to just go for it instead of being so timid?