Painful sex

I already posted this on sexplanstions but I feel like it could be a Heath issue. I am 18 and have been having sex with my boyfriend for over a year. Until recently I've had a really high sex drive and sex was great! Starting about a couple months ago, sex stared to become uncomfortable and sometimes I would even call it painful and I have a low sex drive. What could this be? Please help! 
To explain the pain further, most of the time it feels like my vagina is almost "grabbing on" to his dick (sorry, I don't know a better way to explain it) and it feels like he's slowly ripping out my vaginal walls when he thrusts. It's more of an uncomfortable pain than excruciating and we use a lot of lube and make sure we change up the brand. I don't feel like it's a dryness issue. Sometimes when he thrusts I even feel a sharp pain in my lower abdomen but that is rare. Help please :( on occasion I will also have sharp abdominal pain in the same place I feel when we're having sex but when I'm just walking around, ect.