
So about a month ago, my friend (call her Anna) in our group chat told me that my crush is a player and I was very chill about it. She asked me a few times if I was ok and I reassured her that I was fine and I wasn't going to get too attached flirting with him. I told another friend that I thought it was odd that Anna was so concerned about how I felt.  It seemed to me that she expected me to be more sad about it and I thought she was a little too involved with my relationship with my crush. Anna found out what I said and subtweeted me multiple times and got so pissed and accused me of "talking shit." She thought I was calling her a bitch and was so offended and I apologized several times and tried to explain that I wasn't talking shit and I was just stating my opinion but she didn't comprehend it and wasn't accepting my apologies. I proceded to tweet on my fan account Twitter about how I felt bad and that it was all blown way out of proportion and how I wanted to kill myself because I don't have many real friends.  So I am no longer in the chat anymore and still hang out with the same friends as she does but we just don't acknowledge eachother. A few days ago she found my fan account and saw what I tweeted and then subtweeted me again about how I talk shit about my friends and that is why I'm not in the chat anymore. So I tweeted on my fan account that I wasn't talking shit about anyone and of course Anna saw that too. And she @ed me on my personal restating that I talk shit when I don't! I have refrained from saying anything bad about her or any of my friends to anyone. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings and besides we are graduating from high school in June so I don't want to end on a bad note. Can someone please give their opinion nicely because I feel horrible and have cried too many times over this but she is just not understanding what "talking shit" means, because what I said wasn't talking shit.