Insights on this wonky chart/my wonky (lately) existence?


For a bit of background: This is my first cycle off BC, so I'm fully anticipating it being kind of weird. I'm just trying to get a handle on my cycle at this point; not necessarily trying to conceive just yet (although if that happens sometime during the process, that's just fine too). I've been treating "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" as gospel and following all the "rules" as far as temping, checking CM, and charting.

So here's what's throwing me off: originally I thought I'd just ovulated super early, around CD 8 when I first had a temp spike (which wouldn't have surprised me, as I'm one of those anomalies that ovulated on birth control, so basically... my body REALLY WANTS TO SHOOT OUT EGGS). But FF doesn't think so, and I haven't had a period yet since then, which I'd have expected if I had ovulated. So I figure, maybe I haven't ovulated and I'm just going to have a very long cycle.

The real kicker is I've been having a lot of odd symptoms (tender breasts, fatigue, headache and backache, tummy feeling "off,") which sound like pregnancy, but I had a negative test at 13DPO. So I dunno WHAT'S going on there--PMS? But if I didn't ovulate yet, then that's not it. Confusion. Confusion everywhere.

I'm just kind of stumped here, and I'd really appreciate any opinions from you lovely wise ladies!