Heartbeat without ultrasound ❤️

Last week we had the most magical experience at our midwife's office and we he heard our little baby's heart beat for the first time! It was the most incredible experience of my life, and I just wanted to share. We decided to limit ultrasounds to just one time right before baby's due date, so we have not had any at all. In fact, aside from bloodwork I have exclusively stayed out of the hospital as a personal choice for this pregnancy. I am 19 weeks and as long as everything continues to go well and I feel good we are purposefully limiting medical or tech official intervention. Our midwife used a stethascope looking instrument and we were able to listen one at a time to the amazing sound of our baby's heart. I have never felt a joy so pure and beautiful. Part of what was so amazing about this simple yet powerful experience was the opportunity to stay true to my own heart and be as least invasive as possible while our little one grows and develops. This is my first pregnancy, so I'm gushing A LOT about this! Lol. 
Anyway, to all the mamas, no matter what path you are on in your journey, I wish you all the best and SO many blessings for you and your little ones!