

Need to vent, and maybe some advise. I'm 20w5d and staring to get much more emotional and today has been one of the worst. My husband is a truck driver and has been away for almost 3 weeks. Tonight he wanted to go out to catch the UFC fight while he's away and apparently the only place near by showing the fight was Hooters. I said something silly trying to cover up my insecurities like "all the girls are going to want to see you truck" and instead of saying anything reassuring he got short with me  & hung up. Then text comes thorough saying "get over yourself" .......................speechless.
Like I said before I have had one of the worst days emotionally and now my husband is across the country at Hooters and I'm a mess. What ways have you all helped your husband to understand how to be a little more sensitive theses days without having to literally cry about it??
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Posted at
Screw that, find a Tallywackers and let him know you'll be enjoying yourself too. This may also be bad advice, as I'm upset with my husband right now too lol.


Charlie • Mar 6, 2016
lol I live in California. I believe they are open in Texas though.


Ka • Mar 6, 2016
Ok so I love on the east coast bit will be visiting Tallywackers asap I never knew a place like that exists. I'll enjoy some Tallywackers hot dogs just to be spiteful 😜😜


Jessica • Mar 6, 2016
Tallywackers!!!! Yes! What state do u live in?


Posted at
I know this sounds bad but I made it very clear early on that I don't need my husband around to take care of this baby with me if he doesn't get his s*** together. I've been a single mom before and can do it again, and he has been great lol. Sometimes they need to realize that you won't stick around forever if they can't hold up their end of the bargain and take care of you emotionally. This is after trying to communicate and talk it out first of course... 


Ka • Mar 6, 2016
It doesn't sound bad sometimes the cold hard truth sets people straight. Good for you!


Posted at
Maybe he should get over himself...


Posted at
I would just tell him like it is...I'm sensitive right now and you're gonna have to be a lot nicer to me and very patient with me! You have to be very direct with men, they don't read between the lines very well.


Posted at
A couple of things that work for me, I just tell my husband exactly what's going on. I don't beat around the bush. He knows how to respond if he knows exactly what's going on.I also share link updates on the different stages that I am going through while pregnant so he can understand why I am acting different than normal.  I hope your day turns around for the better! 👍🏼 I'm 21weeks and 4days, so I understand your pain. 😉


Ka • Mar 6, 2016
Thank you!


Posted at
Just tell him you are sorry and that you just miss him and you had a hard day. Simple as that.


Kristen • Mar 6, 2016
she also asked what ways have you gotten your husband to be more sensitive. Ive been with my husband 12 years and Ive learned that apologizing, even if he's wrong too, gets him to be alot more receptive than yelling at him and jumping down his throat. My husband listens and is way more sensitive to my needs when I surprise him with gentleness and communication.


Kristen • Mar 6, 2016
listen, we dont know everything but its hard being a truck driver and away from home all the time. I know Hooters shows all the fights and guys will go there because its guaranteed to be showing. Couples snap at each other sometimes. Sometimes it takes a bigger person to apologize first. I wouldnt like it if my husband insinuated that I was going to be checking other people out. Its kind of a low blow. And he cant read her mind either. How would he know she was only reaxting because she was feeling insecure unless she said it? They both owed each other an apology in my opinion. Again, MY OPINION.


Ashley • Mar 6, 2016
So apologizing to him for be emotional is the way to go?? That's ass backwards, he should be the one apologizing!


Posted at
Your problem was making the comment. It suggests he's looking at the other women or they'll be looking at him. Message him and tell him what you've been feeling all day instead of making passive comments. 


Ka • Mar 6, 2016
And I feel sorry for you!


Sarah • Mar 6, 2016
I feel sorry for your husband.


Sarah • Mar 6, 2016
Don't be so dramatic.


Posted at
My husband has been so horrible. Im 23w3d. He is navy and got deployed when i was 6 weeks. He curses at me in his emails. I could hardly walk the other day and told him. He asked for his share of the tax return. No mention of my health. Men are so disgusting. I cant wait to have my baby so i can leave his ass.


Posted at
Just last week I went down stairs and saw mine talking to the neighbor girl and guy and I can't stand them and I said out loud "are you fucking joking me?!?" And then asked them to excuse us. They walked away, I think everyone was shocked. I'm 9 months pregnant... Give me a break lol. I would just talk to him and tell him how you feel and it's not like you enjoy being emotional it just happens. Maybe have him to go the dr apt with you and talk about your emotions. The dr will explain and validate them. That way he will hear it from someone else. 


Posted at
He text seems weird. I don't think your comment if it was said exactly as you wrote would warrant that type of curtness. Seems like he is taking something the wrong way. Being preggers makes women hormonal true but he needs to give you more reassurance not make you think the worst. Let him watch the fight he could be exhausted and just wanting to unwind and took it the wiring way and when you know if over just try to have a normal conversation see if it can be light hearted and if so great before you hang up just tell him being pregnant and all you felt a little insecure with him being in a hooters where the waitresses are not round bellied! He at that point should understand the meaning behind it me what you said. Good luck hon.