Child help

My SO and I have been together for 8 months. He is 25 years old and I am 18 about to be 19 in April. He has a daughter (5 years old) from a previous relationship.

My boyfriend and I relationship is good, rarely fight and get into arguments. He recently started getting his daughter on a regular bases, every other weekend. Before that he was getting her whenever he got the chance. I didn't have a problem with it until recently. Before I used to watch her when he was at work. Now we get irritated with each other every time she comes over. The thing that starts the irritation is he threatens to sell my puppy (6 months old) when he acts up. The thing is his daughter isn't disciplined either. You tell her not to do something she doesn't do it for literally 5 minutes and then she tries doing it again. She talks back all the time and has an attitude. When I was watching her I would put her in time outs but then it started causing problems so now I don't do anything. He is around all the time now when she is here and he doesn't see it.

I don't know how to talk to him about this since it is his daughter and I don't want to start a fight about it but I don't know how much longer I can take biting my tongue before I lose it completely. I'm to the point of almost saying I'm going to leave with my puppy every time she comes over. Sorry for the long post, I just don't know what to do anymore.