Teen mum....

Hi all I'm 17 nearly 18, my SO is 16 nearly 17. We have talked about getting engaged (please hold your opinions on that) I love him so much we have been together for almost 1 and 1/2 years. 
We are trying for our first baby we are serious about this and have the support from my mum however it's harder on his side of the family...his dad has 9 children (including step kids) and his mother has mental health issues and has kicked my SO out and now lives with me. 
Atleast we have the support of my mum who is excited about the idea of me giving her grand children, she was a young mum 18, and my mums mum (my man) was 17. Don't forget my mum is 53 so back in those days young mums weren't stereotyped so heavily!!
Anyways I was wondering if there are any teen mummy's out there with stories to give me support or any young couples who are ttc with stories to share??