38 weeks will he ever come out?


Sigh. I sit and all my friends and family are having their babies and I am just over here like " come on Oliver". I know he will come when he is ready, but I find myself absolutely exhausted today. All I want to do is sleep. When I am awake I have a terrible headache. First child maybe I am just being ansty, but I just want to meet him and see what he looks like. Hopefully, blue eyes like his father, but my nose lol. I'm just ready oh so ready. I want to see my toes again lol. People say you will be tired when he gets here to, but I feel there is a difference in being tired while he is over taking my body vs. Being out of my body and being able to have his dad take him.

Any ideas on how to get him to come out sooner lol. Rather than much later.