teen mom.

DarlynJoy • 17 and I'm having my first child. wasn't planned and it's early but I know my partner and I can pull this through. 😊
17 years old and my due date is near. got the guts to tell my mom when I was 5 months pregnant. now, i'm 8 months pregnant just a few more weeks (april 9th)
my mom, my grandma, my sister and i have been keeping it a secret from one person in the house. & that's my dad. my dad is very bipolar and whenever he's mad, everyone would get beat. especially my mom. he's very violent but my mom doesn't report him to the police because she said that she loves him and other excuses. i honestly don't know how to hide my baby bump any longer. I want to tell my dad already but i'm also scared of what will happen.
my boyfriend can't seem to let his parents know because his mom have heart problems and with this news that he got me pregnant would lead to a bad situation. (i'm not really in good terms with his mom, his mom hates me.) 
somehow i feel like everything is going downhill.