How can I get rid of cramps?

I know you're supposed to take a painkiller and a hot bath, but I live with my parents (in 12) and I asked if I could take an ibuprofen and my mom said "No.." Like it was the most obvious thing on the world. I told her I didn't feel good and she said I was going to sleep and I didn't need to worry about it.
I'm having the worst cramps I've ever had right now, it's my 5th period in my 3rd day. I had an ultra heavy flow and I feel weak and nautious and just.. Pain. also I'm absolutely freezing but my face is burning hot. It's not rush-me-to-the-er kind of pain, it just really frickin hurts. I've also been ridiculously moody and after she denied me of the painkiller I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and almost cried. I'm already supposed to be asleep so j can't get out of bed, but I was desperate and went on here for help. Does anyone know a good way of getting rid of cramps naturally? Thank you for any help, I really appreciate it!