This mom thing is hard!

Kelsey • Wife of Nate since June 29, 2012. After two miscarriages in 2012, our son, Alex was born January 24, 2016
My son was born 6 weeks ago now, he was born 8 weeks early but he's home and healthy after growing in the nicu for 3 weeks. This mom thing is a lot harder than I expected it to be! I love my little man more than anything in the world, and after 2 miscarriages and TTC for 2 years after the miscarriages I truly appreciate the gift of being able to have a baby! I know I am lucky when it comes to my husband too, he works in a factory on his feet all day and he is still so good at helping with the baby when he's home! The little man has a lot of issues with spitting up; so he has to be fed just right, burped just right, held upright and not moved much for 30-60 minutes after he eats or he'll end up spitting up. I think he probably needs to try a dif formula but he has to be on the special preemie formula for now, but it's hard on his stomach. The combination of how often he eats, how long the eating process is because of the spitting up, and the fact that no matter what he wakes up within 10 minutes of me laying him down means that my husband and I have basically been taking shifts so that we each get to sleep a little each day! Even on the rare 2 or 3 times he has slept after I put him down I have trouble sleeping because I'm so worried about if I put him down too soon after eating and he spits up and I don't hear it (I swear I have the happiest baby in the world because most of the time spitting up doesn't make him cry, and yes everytime I lay him down I'm trying to sleep in the same room). So basically, I'm just exhausted, but to make the physical exhaustion worse is the emotional exhaustion! Everyone keeps saying "things will get better as he grows" and i guess I know that's true but my brain doesn't really operate that way, I think about what's going on right now. I'm not good at focusing on "eventually." I also just don't hardly feel like a person anymore. I didn't feel like i was myself the whole pregnancy either but I thought once I had Alex that I would feel like me again, NOT so! I'm feel like a being who exists in my house to feed and hold the baby and any moment I'm not doing exactly those things I'm trying to start the laundry or the dishwasher as fast as I can before I need to hold and feed the baby (and don't get me wrong, I absolutely love feeding and holding my little man!)! Sorry this is so long, I guess I needed to vent! Any other moms out there feeling like this too?