
I had an abortion about 6 weeks ago (I'm 15, been living out of home for nearly 3 years) but I didn't tell my mum I was even pregnant. I did it purely because I'm not ready financially and don't have the best mental state, I can't even look after myself. A week after I had it done I was hospitalised because I got quite sick and she came to see me in hospital, I had to have lots of tests and the nurse told me I had to tell her so I told her I was pregnant and had to have it terminated because the pregnancy was eptomic because she is really against it  (I was 5 weeks so it didn't have a heart beat or anything yet, if I was any further along I would have kept it.)
Today I saw her on Facebook commenting (sticking up for our family friend) nasty things about abortion and how anyone who does it is a child killer and completely heartless, she just kept going on and on. 
I love my mum to death but I don't think I want to visit her after this. What would she think of me if she knew the truth? I wish every day I could take the abortion back I really do but I know it was the best for me in the long run.