So its been a while...

ShayDarian • 22. Happily Taken. Singer, cook & dog lover.

So its been a while since I had my last period. Since last year. I had my guest period June 7, 2007. They started pretty regular the first 6 months to a year but have been very irregular since. I'll go months without a period.

I've taken the Depo-provera shot for birth control and it made me bleed for around 2 weeks before I finally stopped, then the same when I got it again after that 3 months was up.

I was taking orthotricyclen (28-day pill regimen), every day with an alarm reminder on my phone. My periods were pretty regular with that pill, and symptoms weren't bad at all.

Since I stopped taking the pill, I stopped getting periods. Its been several months (I can't remember exactly how many) since I had the last one.

My grandmother (adopted mother, so I'm not sure about my birth mother) said she had problems on birth control and irregular periods as well, so I'm thinking it could be genetic?

I'm honestly relieved that I got my period finally, even if it makes me tired and have hot flashes :p

Anyone with similar experiences, maybe that had discussed this with a doctor? Also, has this effected any of y'all badly with trying to get pregnant?

Thanks! <3 have some period humor xD