Overreacting? Ex issues

Background we been together for 2 years LDR we both were in long relationship before we met.. I was around 3yrs .. he always knew that.. he didn't talk much about his ex when I asked.. told me they had been together for 1 year.. didn't have sex which made m3 feel comfortable bc I hadn't done everything all the way little things.. so It was a special feeling btw us.. my boobs are size DDD he has always been about I want then to get bigger.. never really pay attention to it. My boobs went up sizes since we been together from D to DDD.. Always thinking his ex had a small cup size.. are relationship was his longest and we were looking good.. (goals) comes to find out they were together for 2 years made me feel like are relationship length was nothing to him... when we hit are 2 years I was like this could be long run bc we were happy n things were 2orking out.. . they did "everything else but fuck" because she was scared of his size.. her cup size is H!!! like 5 sizes above me.. it wasn't that I was jealous I just felt like I knew certain things n now I don't I felt like I was lied to.. I was always insecure about our relationship and feeling like it was to good to be true.. comes to find out he downgraded from her to me didn't help.. made me more insecure.. we spoke he had me ask anything.. but he was like ur overreacting.. he wouldn't understand how I feel bc I "upgraded" from my ex to him.. my ex was emotionally abusive.. I told him I feel like I lost some of my comfort level with u.. doesn't feel the same I don't k what he did didn't do its not the same anymore.. any suggestion thank you for reading..