Anyone else have ovarian cyst?

I went last week for my first ultrasound and our little baby looked great! The tech commented that I had a rather large cyst on my right ovary that would need to be "monitored" though. I've had non-pregnant cysts many, many times so I wasn't too concerned . However last night, I started getting intense non-stop pain on my right side. No bleeding or spotting, but Serious pain/pressure! 
I went to the Dr this morning to get it all checked out. Apparently the cyst hasn't "flipped on its self" but has begun to leak; which is causing the pain. The cyst is about the size of a tennis ball :/ Dr says they will see me again on 3wks to measure again;  unless the pain gets unbearable. 
I felt relieved seeing my little one on the ultrasound! But this pain/pressure is constant:( Anyone else have this??