My family hate my friends.

My mom told me I need to hang out with my old friend bc she says my new ones are a bad influence. My old friend hates me bc I'm an atheist and I had sex and she's susper religious and swears by her virginity plus her new friend hates me.( part of the reason) and I've been friend with the other two girls for a whole were just closer now than ever. I asked to go somewhere with one of my friend and got a yes but was told she was a whore and not a good influence by my mother. Yes she comes from a bad place and has made mistakes but she is still my friend. Plus she was 15 and was 4 months pregnant and had a miscarriage. And my sister just called my other friend a whore bc of the people she hangs out with. And I know she isn't.  In fact my sister is a much bigger whore. I don't wanna start family drama but how do I confront them to let them know it's my own decisions and to let me make them. And also stop hating my friends. Sorry it's so long!