Rant Can't sleep anymore

Ashley • I'm 23. my son is 2 yrs old. And my bf is 24 We've been together for 8yrs in sept. Expecting our baby girl April 14 !!
So just a little rant. I'm 34 almost 35 weeks and I can not sleep decently anymore. My brain will not shut off  my hips hurt, my legs feel like they're going to pop out of the socket (inner groin area.., pelvis?) whatever. It's a struggle to roll over from side to side (the bottom band of my stomach pulls really tight) let alone get out of bed to pee 10 times a night !  On top of trying to take care of a house and my 2 yr old son and deal with all these appointments and a really severe uti at this moment. 😩😩😩 I'm being a big baby right now.