Food issues

Jade • Mum of one amazing little boy but would love another child. I am a freelance makeup artist and I also make things with polymer clay and draw.
I have been having horrendous nausea since day 1 of my pregnancy and have found it so hard to find food that I actually like. So far the only thing I can definitely say I like in my pregnant state is orangina (type of orangade). I started eating breakfast biscuit type things and they seemed to help so I thought I'd try pop tarts. Well I burnt the first lot and dropped one of the second batch lol. It is a sign that today is not a day for pop tarts. For anyone else who is suffering from nausea and sickness bananas help a bit and this thing called sea band, which is an acupressure thing that goes round both wrists. If anyone else has any suggestions or things that help them through the day please share x