Here it is

Here it is. :) I went into labor spontaneously on Tuesday night after putting the big kids to bed my husband and I sat down to watch "The Flash". I was switching positions and heard a pop and felt a gush of water. We got the kids out of bed and took them to my mother in laws house. We got to the hospital at around 10 and they got me into a delivery room at around 11. I wasn't progressing as fast as they wanted, so they stuck me on pitocin at 1am. The contractions kept getting worse and they asked if i wanted an epidural. It was determined that beecause of a prior back surgery, it would be a waste of time. I remember they checked me and I was at a 6 and then what felt like minutes later I felt the urge to push. I pushed for no more than 5 minutes and Miss Kira was born at 4:15am. It went so quickly, it was a whirlwind of emotions. They gave her to me and she latched on perfectly right away. She is 3 weeks old today and we haven't had a drop of formula. :) This is her first photo.