Tomorrow I have to face my bullies

I recently did a post about last Friday at college when I left a bunch of girls and boys decided to contact me through one persons phone explaining How much they hate me and how I apparently have reached everyone's last nerve and I deserve "knocking down a peg or two" how I'm a bitch and a c*nt etc etc. I got the tutors involved (I'm 19 years old, Some of the students same age and older) and the department manager. Anyway in this meeting they looked at the messages and said its stage 3..don't know what that means but they are all looking to be suspended. My college nearly got the police involved as this isn't the first time it happened. However tomorrow they are interviewing the people involved in bullying and getting the whole class (which is everyone involved) together and asking who said what. But tomorrow I've been told by my tutors it's best if I come in and show them that they haven't won. But I'm dreading it, how do I find the courage? Everyone apparently hates me? I'll be sat their on my own. I've been panicking the last couple of days the point where I've thrown up. Please give me some advice..