Am I wrong?

So my hubby is a pipeliner... I knew this when we got together and yes I knew what I was getting into. With that being said, we have been extremely fortunate this past year with him being able to work close to home and come home every night. So... About three weeks ago he was told they are going to be working in WV about three hours from our home. He has been gone for three weeks, only coming home on Sunday's and then leaving Monday's at 3am. So time has been very limited to say the least. On top of that.... I am working full time and also going to school full time, which is exhausting. We don't get to text much throughout the day and during the evenings, him and the guys from the job site all go out to eat. Well, he feels that texting at the table is rude (which I an extent!) and he will not text me while they are out. This bothers me! I feel like if you're with these men for three weeks straight then its acceptable to shoot your girlfriend a text every so often. And we of course got into an argument over this tonight. Am I wrong...? We hardly ever fight... I don't know if it's my frustration getting to me or if I actually have a valid point. I miss him and actually being able to talk to him!